Welcome Reps to Discourse

Hi Reps,

I would like to welcome you all to the Reps discourse category.

Feel free to subscribe to this category notifications and open new topics for discussions.


We have a subcategory just to announce Reps Weekly Calls and share Council meetings. Subscribe to it if you want to get updates.


Do you want to share a debrief for an event? The Events subcategory is the place to go, don’t be shy and share your amazing work!


Do you have ideas or want to get involved in improving the Reps Portal? Join the WebDev subcategory to share your ideas.

Program organization

If you are interested in the organization of the program you can check our github or waffle board.

If you have suggestions or issues for the Mozilla Discourse, post them on the Meta category.


Thanks for creating a Reps category, Nukeador!

Is there a suggestion for what topics should be discussed on Discourse compared to the Reps mailing lists (general, mentors, council)?


My point of view is that general mailing list should be used for announcements, and let everything else to discourse. It’s up to the council to decide what goes where, but I would like to see more a more discourse and less and less mailing list :wink:

Also, this could be a way to show the rest of mozilla projects how useful (and fun!) is to communicate using this platform.


I strongly support using Discourse for this. There are lots of times when a thread doesn’t apply to you, but you’re getting notifications for it anyway. Thunderbird doesn’t have grouping like Gmail does, so it gets annoying fast… Especially when you get these emails on your phone, as well. On Discourse, you can change how you’ll be notified, by choosing an option on the bottom of the page.

Oh, and we don’t store passwords at all, much less in plain text (like Mailman does) :wink:


For those who don’t know how to subscribe to a category (I didn’t until just now):

  1. Go to your profile by clicking your name or avatar in the upper left corner.
  2. Click Preferences.
  3. Under Categories > Watched, type Reps
  4. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the profile page.

Reps category page should show an upper right icon (a bubble next to create topic) that allows you to subscribe.

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can we use Mozilla Discourse to share event reports ??

Yes, in fact there is a subcategory just for that :wink:



Thanks for creating a Reps category, Nukeador!

Is there a suggestion for what topics should be discussed on Discourse compared to the Reps mailing lists (general, mentors, council)?