Two bugs in Development Channel

  • If a dot(.) is contained in version string after hyphen(-),
    ex) 1.0.0-b.1
    When uploading to AMO, checkbox Only publish this version to my beta channel. won’t appear.

  • When pre-release version number is up to 10,
    ex) 1.0.0-b9 -> 1.0.0-b10
    Add-on Manager won’t update automatically.

Where should I file them?

Please file bugs on AMO here. The first issue probably won’t be fixed because it can be worked around and we’re looking into retooling the beta version feature.

The second one appears not to be a bug, per the version comparison rules. I tried out the internal version comparison, and it’s showing the b10 version to be lower by those rules.

Thanks for the quick reply.

The first issue probably won’t be fixed because it can be worked around

OK, I’ll leave this one as-is.

The second one appears not to be a bug,

Isn’t it?
There is an example in Toolkit version format | MDN which explains

< 1.1pre2
< 1.1pre10

If Add-on Manager is treating b10 as a string, then yes it’s not a bug though.

Ah, forget about latter of my previous comment.
Add-on is required to use SemVer, not Mozilla toolkit versioning.
So b10 should be smaller than b9.

I think it’s better for AMO to accept 1.0.0-b.1 as beta.

Or at least, it should be documented for the work around that 1.0.0-b.1 won’t be treated as beta, and b10 will be treated smaller than b9.