PayPal donations do not work(?)

When I click “Contribute” button on any addon page and then “Make contribution”, connection to PayPal times out and error page appears.

Is seems that is trying to connect to urls like this: which are not responding. When I add “www”: and manually visit this url page loads without any problem.

Could you confirm this problem or does this issue only occur in my network?

I just donte for S3.Google Translator and it is successful.

My first use of the donation routine was a few minutes ago with Firefox 55.0b9 (32-bit) on Kubuntu. I chose to donate:

  • $50

– without entering a decimal point.

The routine appeared to complete without error, however there was no prompt for authentication, which made me suspicious, so I subsequently:

  1. visited
  2. logged in
  3. proceeded to
  4. found no activity.

Is the transaction, made through Firefox, queued somewhere?

Or is it safe for me to retry the donation routine?

The transaction is performed entirely on Paypal, so you shouldn’t worry about something being pending or incomplete on our side.

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I retried the donation routine, it worked.