No way to load WebExtension from AMO on Android/Fennec

I’ve updated my Jetpack addon to be a WebExtension add on. It’s been uploaded to AMO as experimental and approved. Its page is here:

On desktop, this works fine. On Fennec 54.0.1, the web page doesn’t offer an “Add to Firefox” button. Why not? It does have a slider button, which seems to be greyed out or non-functional.

WebExtensions are supposed to work on all Firefox platforms. Unlike with Jetpack, there’s no platform selection in the upload process.

Try sliding it anyway.
Installs for me.

Same problem with AdBlock Plus. It’s a general problem, not my extension.

Installs fine if I request the desktop site and use the install button there. This is some web page design bug at AMO.

Firefox 54.0.1, Android 4.1.2. Cat B15 phone.

Reported as bug:

Actually, you have to tap it, not slide it.

You’re right. It just looks like you’re supposed to slide it.

Bad web design. No donut.

Or a bug in the widget. But I think a button would be better - this is Android not iOS.

I filed an issue for this: