Mozfest 2016 - FAQ

Mozfest 2016 for Participation (Blog Post)

Below are some frequently asked questions, and will be updated regularly.

How is the process for sponsorship and stipends different than past years?

It’s going to be quite different. In past years we’ve selected people on a more participatory level : as supporters/helpers, facilitators, and most recently as learners in the Participation Cohort. This time we are going to be very specific about the skills each space needs to fill, and the commitment required leading up to, the event. The role definitions and acceptance process will be in support of finding the contributors spaces most need for their success.

Should I still submit a session idea to Mozfest? Are there stipends available for accepted session still?

Absolutely, if you have a fantastic session - we encourage you respond to the call for proposals. Mozfest organizers will have a very limited number of stipends available for accepted sessions, but that will be decided by the event organizers and not the Participation Team.

When will applications open?

Applications will open July 15th.

Can anyone apply?

Anyone with a Mozillians account can apply.

When will a complete list of roles be published?

Also July 15th.


Erm, June 15th or July 15th @emma_irwin ?


Thanks Spike!!