Lengthy wait time for Add-on review

Hey guys,

First, I want to say that I appreciate all the work that goes in to having to review each add-on. I can imagine that it is a lot of work!

I have an add-on that I’ve submitted many days ago. I’ve seen my position in the queue drop by maybe one or two per day while the overall number in the queue has grown to over 200. My add-on was previously reviewed and rejected because of a couple of things which have since been fixed. I was wondering if there might be a way to speed up the review of the add-on given that it was reviewed previously?

There are many add-ons in the queue in the same situation, so that circumstance alone wouldn’t be enough to speed up your review. If there’s some urgency for your add-on being released, or you think it can be reviewed quickly, you can try asking in the #amo-editors channel on IRC.