Installing extensions from our page

We would like to use inline installation for our extension as described here:
However, when we try to install it, the following warning appears (see attached screenshot).

Also the documentation says that the InstallTrigger feature is non-standard and might not work consistently in different implementations.

Thus we have two questions:

  1. Is there a way to install the extension without any warnings?
  2. Is there any other API we could use for inline installation which is more reliable?

Please provide a link I can check and install on my machine.

Is this it?

Your addon needs to be signed. The best way to sign it is to upload it to AMO. If you think it should not be on then you can sign it as an unlisted extension with jpm sign or web-ext sign.

After your addon is signed, you need to host it somewhere that responds with the correct Conten-Type header. Github pages does this by default. For example here is a WebExt build of REH I made.

Since you did not provide a link I cannot be sure why it does not work for you.
The extension ->пульт/

There are two ways to install add-ons outside of AMO. The first one is the one you’re using, with a warning, and the second one is to bundle the add-on with an application installer. The docs explain what the installer would need to do.