Firefox webextension Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist

I am trying to send a variable from a background script to a content script that is associated with an HTML page. The content script updates the HTML content with the variable received from the background script.

The problem is that I am getting this error message:

Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.

The background script main.js:

var target = "<all_urls>";
function logError(responseDetails) {
	  errorTab = responseDetails.tabId;
	  console.log("Error tab: "+errorTab);

		errorURL = responseDetails.url;
		console.log("Error URL: "+errorURL);
		//send errorURL variable to content script
		var sending = browser.tabs.sendMessage(errorTab, {url: errorURL}).then(response => {
				console.log("Message from the content script:");

	 //direct to HTML page
	 browser.tabs.update(errorTab,{url: "data/error.html"});
}//end function

  {urls: [target],
  types: ["main_frame"]}

The error.html is:

<meta charset="UTF-8">
The error received is <span id="error-id"></span>
<script src="content-script.js"></script>

The content-script.js:

//listen to errorURL from the background script.
browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(request => {
  console.log("Message from the background script:");
  return Promise.resolve({response: "url received"});
}); //end onMessage.addListener
//update the HTML <span> tag with the error
document.getElementById("error-id").innerHTML = request.url;

The manifest.json:

  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "test",
  "version": "1.0",
  "background": {
    "scripts": ["main.js"]

  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": ["<all_urls>"],
      "js": ["webextension/data/content-script.js"]

  "permissions": [
  1. You are sending a message to a tab and navigate it before it can receive the message. That doesn’t make much sense.
  2. The message may be arriving on the new page, which is not set up to receive the message.