Extension not compatible with FF developer version

I submitted a new extension yesterday and immediately got a link to the AMO site to my new extension which has not yet been reviewed. It is compatible with Firefox 50.0+. When I try to add it from the AMO page using Firefox Developer Edition 50.0a2 I get the following error:

Extension could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox Developer Edition 50.0a2

Is this expected?

I can’t even choose 50.0+. Are you sure it is even recognized as a valid version?

It’s the version I used in the extension’s manifest.json

“strict_min_version”: “50.0”

Ok, I thought you were literally using 50.0+. (Versions with a + seem to exist only for older versions.)

I could imagine that 50.0a2 is less than 50.0 (it is released earlier). Which would mean hat it is correct that you can’t install your extension. Just change it to "strict_min_version": "50.0a2".

I don’t particularly care that it doesn’t install with the developer version. I am timing it with a future FF release (50) which will have the necessary functionality to support the extension so as long as it works with the official released version I am ok with that. I was wondering if it doesn’t work because the developer versions are not recognized the same as released versions or because it isn’t signed yet? When management saw the error they got nervous and wanted an explanation.

I see.
You can experiment with stuff like this on your add-ons beta channel. Id doesn’t need (manual) signing, but displays warnings when installing.

Interesting. Thanks.

Apparently, Firefox version 50 beta has become available and I was able to successfully add my extension to it from the AMO site.