Why the flat design for MDN? Is usability no longer a priority?

It would be weird for me to tell to front-end designers behind such a big developer oriented site that the flat/square design is a major usability downgrade. So I assume you are aware of the long disabilities list and the common opinion of it being ugly and unwelcome.

So my question is, why did MDN make such a decision?

I mean, if the company that forcibly pushed the trend (Microsoft) or other large companies that followed the trend would have any success with it, I would understand (in some degree) your sacrifice of usability in order to look “trendy”. But all I read in the forums/support/feedback pages is them causing disappointments and trying to stop leaving users and degrading reputation…

Please satisfy my curiosity. How does MDN expect to win on this losing formula?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Beta redesign feedback