Welcome Mozillians! - Getting Started with Discourse

Welcome to the Mozilla Discourse site! Discourse is similar to a forum and mailing list combined. Discourse is designed to “Reboot forum software for the next decade, getting us out of the 1999 design rut we’re stuck in”. The Community I.T. team are currently testing this software to see if it will work as a replacement to our current discussion forums set-up (see: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Discussion_Forums/Problem_Statement). In order to get the most of Discourse, you should subscribe to categories. Subscribing to categories is very similar to signing up to a mailing list. Discourse will email you every time a new thread or post is created.

###Video Tutorial
Thanks to @nukeador and @rtsayles for this video.

####How to subscribe to categories:
If you prefer to view posts from the website, you can simply track the category and only recieve notifications on the website. You can also watch categories to get emails for every post in the category.

To do this, go to the category page and click the rightmost button. You will then have the option to watch, track or mute the category.

####The Digest
Similar to a mailing list, it is possible to recieve new threads and posts in a single email overview. In your discourse preferences (link to user prefs) you can choose to have daily, weekly or monthly digests.

  • Paste bug, addon and Air Mozilla URLs on a new line, and they will show up in a fancy box like this


  • How can I start a thread by email?
    It is currently not possible to start a thread by email. There is some type of feature for this in Discourse but it is not documented.

  • How can I request a category on Discourse?
    Fill out this bugzilla form, ticking the “Discourse Category” box.
    ###Known Issues

  • Occasionally, when you try to log in with Persona you will be redirected back to Discourse without logging in. As a workaround, please reload the page and try to login again.

  • Logging in on Firefox OS 1.4 and below through the marketplace app does not work.


This topic is now unlisted. It will no longer be displayed in any topic lists. The only way to access this topic is via direct link.