[Support] uBlock Origin

uBlock Origin has proven very useful as an additional layer of protection for users on Chrome in our Google Apps for Work domain. The issue we had was that we needed to whitelist some sites (including our own) across the domain.

Chrome Management allows XML configuration uploads, but it took some digging to figure out how to turn uBlock’s whitelist into a deployable Chrome configuration file. We update the whitelist periodically, and I wanted to quick way to make updates and get a working file.

Ended up throwing this up: http://ublock-chrome-config.appspot.com/

It takes newline separated domain listings and produces a pseudo-xml string that the Chrome Management panel will accept to push the config to uBlock Origin across a Google Apps domain.

Thought it might be useful for others as welll!

Does that forum not have options in your profile? Every forum software I’ve seen gives you the ability to toggle signatures. That’s everything from phpBB to SMF, vBulletin, etc.

uBlock Origin isn’t enough to get everything working correctly on IMDB after the block. What you’re looking for in this situation is a great extension called Stylish. gorhill corrected this and has covered the uBlock Origin method below my post.

I wrote you a quick Stylish stylesheet that you can use to block the entire right-column on IMDB, stretches the rest of the content to fill the width, and gets rid of the gray tint and border. Should look good!

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("imdb.com") {
    .pagecontent #content-2-wide::before {
        background-color: transparent;
        border-width: 0;
    #content-2-wide #main,
    #content-2-wide .main {
        width: 100%;
        max-width: 100%;
    #content-2-wide #sidebar {
        display: none;

I hope this helps.

It should be enough. The equivalent of your rules in uBO are:

imdb.com###content-2-wide #sidebar
imdb.com###content-2-wide #main:style(width: 100%; max-width: 100%;)
imdb.com###content-2-wide .main:style(width: 100%; max-width: 100%;)
imdb.com##.pagecontent #content-2-wide::before:style(background-color: transparent; border-width: 0;)

No, they don’t have that option… as it turned out, the site owner actually gave me the changes I needed to make to get it working. All it ended up being was:

forums.gta5-mods.com###content .post-signature

A lot of sites let you turn your own signature on or off but I wanted to turn everyone else’s off. All sorted now anyway.

Well then, I’m honestly impressed and surprised! Thanks for setting the record straight. I should probably explore uBO more. I’ll edit my post so others don’t get the wrong idea.

Now we have two ways :smiley:

The :style is a recent addition, so I understand it’s not widespread knowledge yet. See release notes for 1.8.0.

How was the Microsoft Edge version made? Is it ported by hand, or was Microsoft Edge Extension toolkit part of the process. If it was done by hand, I could use the toolkit to make a port and see if it is better than the porting by hand.

I’m having an issue where my filter to block a div keeps not working. It will work until I refresh the page, and then it’s back, even though the rule is still in the My Filters list. I just recreates the same rule over and over and never works. What is going on? Here is an example:

Here is my filters list because of it:

! 8/26/2016, 5:49:20 PM http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/16w33a

! 8/26/2016, 5:51:03 PM http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/16w33a

! 8/26/2016, 5:51:18 PM http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/16w33a

Thanks for the help!

The element is already targeted by uBO, there is already a cosmetic filter for it in EasyList. However the page apparently tried to work around that filter. Use gamepedia.com###content #siderail[style] instead.

Note that the page force a specific width for the main content, so it will still not occupy the whole width of the page. If you want it to extend to the whole page, you will also need:

gamepedia.com###bodyContent:style(width: auto !important;)

No, the whole bar at the top (the black strip, as you call it) opens up the dashboard/settings. Not just that icon on the left side.

Suggestion for uBlock Origin WebSocket extension for Chrome/Chromium

Just tried this extension again, and here is something I noticed:

Default after installation:

When ‘hiding’ the icon:

Not really an alternative, in my opinion.

From the CWS description:

The extension has no interactive UI, just an icon in the toolbar to remind it’s enabled. Your browser should allow you to hide the icon if it annoys you. Use uBlock Origin’s logger if you want to see and possibly filter WebSocket connections.

Now it’s just annoying in another place :wink:
I would definitely prefer if the icon could be hidden completely, especially since there is no UI whatsoever.

Status could be shown in the regular uBO UI, for example.

I of course looked into this when I made it. I couldn’t find a solution, I am not aware of any API in extensions API to allow this.

The Chrome extension docs I still had in my bookmarks don’t mention anything specific, I guess:

“icons”: is listed as recommended, but not required. Don’t know if this actually works, though…

You actually want to use an icon for the chrome://extensions page, but Chrome seems to use
the 48x48 or 128x128 icons here. https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/manifest/icons

The interesting question now is, what happens if you only specify these two icons or maybe only the 128px one…

I’d guess that Chrome just scales them automatically. But I’m certain that extension icons could be hidden from the UI completely in the past, so this must have been changed not so long ago…

I try to login (pay account) or use the web app and the ublock block this. If I disable the extension, creately.com work without problems. This site is for create online diagrams.


Catch-22 – I can’t see the images associated with this “how-to” thread
I can “view image” individually but not in context on the page. They are called from some Amazon source?

I’m guessing because I block Amazon, but temporarily allowing Amazon and LiftDNA doesn’t help. Is it possible to post a copy of this How-to somewhere that doesn’t require links that get blocked?

I have seen some stuff that says that ublock contains the basic disconnects lists. Does this mean that disconnect has some other filters that improve it, or is adding disconnect a pointless endeavor?

Also, am I on the right place to ask questions like this? My other post (#182) has not been replied to.

Hi, I’m not sure if this is the right place for this (feel free to direct me to the correct support forum) but here’s my issue:

Apparently there’s some clash between uBlock and Avira browser safety.
I keep getting an extension error:
This extension failed to redirect a network request to data:application/javascript;base64,bunch-of-letters
because another extension (uBlock Origin) redirected it to data:application/javascript;base64,another-bunch-of-letters.

Is there anything you could do about it?

I’m running latest stable version of Chrome 64 bit on Win10

I’m guessing because I block Amazon, but temporarily allowing Amazon and LiftDNA doesn’t help.

Use the logger to diagnose filter issues.

See issue 1170.