Submitting a New Addon: GUID Required

I am about to submit a new addon, in the WebExtension format. It’s my first attempt, so I am a little lost in the process.

I have tried the following step:

web-ext sign --api-key user:… --api-secret …

but get the following message:

Server response: GUID is required for Firefox 47 and below. ( status: 400 )

Can anybody help me with this last step?


It means the ID isn’t present in the applications section of the manifest. This is required if you want to have compatibility with 47.

Ping @andym: perhaps that error message should be clearer.

Thanks for your reply.

I think it’s the term “GUID” that’s confusing me. Is it something I make up, like a URI?


You make it up. There are two supported standards:

  • E-mail format:
  • GUID format {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}, where the x is an hexadecimal digit. You can read more about this format here.

Thanks for that. I’m using the email format, which I notice is the preferred format anyway.