Rep of the Month - May 2016

Please join us in congratulating Konstantina Papadea as Reps of the Month for May 2016!

@couci is a long-time Mozilla Reps from Greece. Additionally she is also responsible for the budget and swag requests in the Reps program.

In the past months Konstantina has helped out with organizing and chairing the Reps weekly call together with @Ioana . That means that they are weekly in contact with many mozillians to find new interesting topics and prepare the agenda and the notifications. Further she is helping the Council with the formation of the Review Team we are implementing. This was already announce here and will give council more time to spend on mission and strategy. She became a mentor and will help inspire the new people applying for the program.

Congratulations @couci and thanks for the hard work! :tada::clap:t4:


Thanks you so much @couci! I am always inspired by your hard work and dedication! Congratulations! :champagne::tada::raised_hands:t4::clap:t4::blush:

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Congratulations and thanks for your work! You and Ioana (thanks to Ioana too!!) made the call so much better within the last year :slight_smile: :tada: :tada: :tada:

Congratulations Konstantina :blush::raised_hands:

Congratulations buglady! The reps program would have been incomplete without you.:grin:

Congratulation Konstantina. I am so inspired by your hardwork and commitment. You are a super fantastic Mozilla Rep.

Many congratulation Konstantina. You are a super awesome Mozilla Rep. :slight_smile:

I’m a huge fan of Ms. K, congrats! :smiley:

Congrats @couci for your great work and thank you so much.

Happy for you @couci ! Great work… Congratulations.

Congrats @couci Keep up the good!


Hey Konstantina,
Bravo! you deserved this title since long time…keep it up!

Congrats Konstantina!!

you have earned it! congrats :kissing_heart:


Congratulations Milady (as it seems you earned that title)

Congratulation Konstantina … Awesome job !!! Awesome reps … You are my model

Congratiolations from Mozilla Egypt Team , Keep up .

Long overdue. Definitely time we recognized @couci for her tremendous achievements. You rock!

Thank you all for you kind words :slight_smile:
And thanks @Ioana for being my partner in crime in Reps Call, her hard work has definitely shown results

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