Regarding my mozzila

When I open a page I keep getting the flash thing saying allow or block I hit for this one time. I used to use google chrome and when I went to up date kept getting error so I decided to use Mozilla . I froze also with edge and to get big help with microsoft it cost’s $149 . which unfortunately I do not have lol . if I knew how to find the software which is corrupt I would get rid of it. Is it hard to do or does one need a computer tech?

It seems like you’re infected with something bad.

My personal solution in situations much less then this, is I format my computer. I usually format my computer every 2 years or so (with OS update, I always opt for clean install).

If you’re comfortable with that I recommend you do that. It always fixes unexplainable things (like my VM’s came to a crawl for no reason for months and formating fixed it).

To most people this is an extreme measure though.

Was thinking about ddoing that or calling Nortons so they maybe can do remoter acess and check to see if I have some thing. If I do a format can I install from my history back ups or not?

I personally don’t trust anti-virus companies.
If you format yes you can get your history back. In your current firefox make sure to first go to about:sync and sign in and let the syncing happen, (check all the boxes of what you want synced, passwords, tabs, etc).

There is no progress bar of when the syncing completes. So I would say keep syncing for a week leaving Firefox on as much as possible. Then go for the format. And once done in the new firefox go to about:sync and sign in with the account you synced to.

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