Participation Team Q2 Goals

We wanted to take the chance to share the Participation Team’s goals for April to June (Q2). We know that this is coming late, and that we didn’t create the chance for feedback before the quarter started – that’s something we’ll aim to fix in future quarters, so please hold us accountable to that.

With that said, we’d welcome: a) Your comments/feedback, b) Any questions you have.

You can read the full document here. Here’s the summary:

2015 Impact

Demonstrate that participation brings strategic advantage to Mozilla’s key product and functional goals.

KPI: 15 initiatives demonstrate that participation brings a strategic advantage.

Q2 Outcome

Demonstrate fresh, successful approaches to participation that let us test how we can achieve a strategic advantage.

Q2 Goals

  1. 3 sets of focused experiments in participation: a) Firefox for Android in India; b) Firefox OS community building in Senegal and Tunisia; c) developing supporters/contributors through “Contribute” page (and OneAndDone tool)
  2. Support 6 product/functional teams in designing for participation on an as-requested basis
  3. A series of initiatives that build the leadership capacity of ReMos/Regional communities to support the above goals

Supporting goal:

  1. Build the agile/open working process and infrastructure we need to be effective as a team
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Here’s the projects we have in progress for our first Heartbeat of the quarter:

Hi @george, your google doc link is not working! can you fix it? :

Fixed. It was a problem with how Discourse handles copying and pasting of URLs that have ‘#’ in them. Will file a bug!

How do we measure ROI? In the Google Doc you mentioned:

I found it a challenge to measure ROI on many of the Engagement led websites because, well, we aren’t revenue focused and the normal methods in which we measured growth (back then at least) was around ADUs. Showcasing something like canvas in the browser didn’t necessarily lead to a measurable increase in ADUs.

In a volunteer/participation realm, how do we do this?

Or if I rewrote that as an OKR, how do you think it would look?

It’s a good question and I don’t think it’s easy.

As you know there’s two parts to ROI:

  1. The investment – I’m not sure we’re doing a good enough job right now of asking ourselves how much staff time/money we’re spending on particular participation initiatives. This is a tricky cultural change, but technically easy.

  2. The return – as you’ve pointed out, this is really hard, especially when the impact is indirect.

For an engagement website (and as I’ve been thinking about the OKR could look something like…

Visitors to get us more product users because they care about Mozilla.

Key results

  1. of Firefox accounts signed-up

  2. of times our products are shared with friends

  3. of people who sign up for the new word-of-mouth program

What’s not in the above is making sure this is bringing value to the participants …need to think more about that.

If we are aiming a bit less at product goals and more at the North Star of 1 billion long-term relationships with people who are advancing the open web, then…

Visitors to becoming engaged in multiple ways with Mozilla over the long-term in a way that is valuable to them.

Key results

  1. Increase in # of return visitors to
  2. Increase in # of people who spend time on more than one page of
  3. of people who take a more ‘advanced’ action on the site (e.g. signing the Surveillance petition)

What do you think?

I don’t know that I have any more thoughts (yet) but something in another thread reminded me about impact.

Perhaps as a direct or indirect measure of success, there’s some way to measure “impact” to Mozilla, to the mission, to something else (?).

I’m coming from a place where I view Community Participation as that force multiplier for Mozilla and why we don’t need to have the same paid-staff counts as the Googles or Microsofts.