pageMod css not applied in print preview


as the title sais: css provided by css file in a PageMod is not applied in print and print preview. how do you guys handle this problem?


Can you show us the code for your pageMod.

There should be a contentStyleFile attribute for it. Its similar to contentScriptFile.

Here it is. As i said, it works fine when viewing pages but fails when I try to print-preview these same pages. I simplified the code a bit:


Noone had a need to also apply css to printed webpage?

In chrome and opera this works fine, once included css affects also the printed page.

submit a bug report on bugzilla

i did.

A month has passed, noone cared about this so I’ll try again:

Can someone help me with this?
How to hide an element with addon SDK on a printed page?

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Editing the print setup page is tricky stuff, but I recall seeing an addon that did it.

I think this one does it please check it out and share what you learn:

The reason pageMod doesn’t work is because it’s not really a page. I think you won’t be able to use pageMod here you will have to hack into the XUL.

Did you try linking / overriding the style using print media? See this doc for info. I don’t know if the Firefox print preview respects these changes or reloads the page, though.

this doesn’t work.