Old Addon for Firefox Version 24.4.0

Hello Mozilla Community!

I need help. I have to develop an Addon for Firefox Version 24.4.0 in which I have to monitor downloads. The basic functionality is as follows: When no downloads are in the queue, do something.

I searched in the Web and there seem to be two Interfaces:

###1) Downloads.jsm

const {Cu} = require("chrome");

var dlmgrSummary = null;
Downloads.getSummary(Downloads.ALL).then(summary => {
    dlmgrSummary = summary;
    return summary.addView({
        onSummaryChanged: () => doSomething()
}, Cu.reportError);

I also included this bit in my bootstrap.js startup:

    .registerFactory(Components.ID("{1b4c85df-cbdd-4bb6-b04e-613caece083c}"), "", "@mozilla.org/transfer;1", null);

and added browser.download.useJSTransfer true to about:config as described here.

Nevertheless I get the exception:
TypeError: Downloads.getSummary is not a function

###2) nsIDownloadManager

const {Cc, Ci} = require("chrome");
const dlmgr = Cc['@mozilla.org/download-manager;1'].getService(Ci.nsIDownloadManager);

listener = {
    onSecurityChange : function(prog, req, state, dl) { },
    onProgressChange : function(prog, req, prog, progMax, tProg, tProgMax, dl) { },
    onStateChange : function(prog, req, flags, status, dl) { },
    onDownloadStateChange : function(state, dl) {
        console.log("Is not called :-(");

In this example the function onDownloadStateChange is not called.

Is this a problem with the Version or did I do something wrong?

Thanks for any help! :slight_smile:

Sorry if I may be a little offtopic here but why are you using such an old version?

You should at least be using the ESR version of Firefox. Older versions are unsupported, and you’ll probably have a hard time finding help for them, considering how the APIs have changed since then.