Monthly Blog Challenge

Many of you have expressed interest in keeping the blog challenge going.

On Git, telegram, and in your posts people have said:

  • the challenges help them write
  • create a sense of community
  • help to spread the word locally

After talking with a bunch of people we decided to sponsor a monthly participation blog challenge.
Our November post was a #mozfest reflection.
For December you have two choices:
Choice One: Mozlando Reflection (feel free to use same template):

At Mozlando I…
[Talk about a conversation with someone, an experience you had, etc]

From that conversation it made me think about…
[what came up in your mind as you had this conversation]

Which is relevant to Mozilla because…
[how this could be relevant or useful in your community]

My call to action is…
[here’s how you might help, here’s what I’d like your thoughts on]

Choice Two: Why I do Open

For me working/doing/playing in the open means
[explain your philosophy of open]

The greatest open experience I had is
[recall a memory of a person or project]

Open matters to Mozilla because
[how this could be relevant or useful in your community]

My call to action is…
[here’s how you might help, here’s what I’d like your thoughts on]

You can of course ignore the templates and stick with “Why Open” as a theme.
I look forward to reading our posts


With a big delay:

I have taken the inspiration from that monthly challenge :smile:

I love the idea of this very much, though I am not sure if I’ll have success adding this to my plate.

I would suggest using this topic as a master topic, then creating linked topics for each month’s topic. Just click on “Reply as linked topic” that appears next to any post (I recommend the top post so they show up at the top). Will make it easier for people to track the different topics, and for people like me to watch for an “easy” topic to write about.

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