Is there a known bug in XMLHttpRequest?

I have written a chrome extension that that uses XHR:

  var request = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", "", true);
 request.addEventListener('load', function (event) {
     if (request.status == 200) {




When I run this in Chrome len is 1546530
Now I installed that addon in Firefox with the very same call. When I run it in the FF developer version then len is 1546530

But when I run it in the normal FF version then len is 49403

How can this be?

Have you tried using the fetch API? It’s the new and fancy way of sending requests and it works in both Firefox and Chrome. It returns a promise :slight_smile:

I found the reason for my problem, the called website has forwared my request in the normal FF because it identified me as another user than I was logged in there. The developer FF did identify me as the right user