How to load development xpi into firefox?

Hi Guys,

I’m taking tips from this tutorial.

I downloaded webextension example repo and convert the content of quicknote (so that manifest.json is at top level of zip), renamed to xpi and loaded to firefox dev edition. But, firefox reported corrupted add-on. Am I doing something wrong?

Is there a proper way to do? since the tutorial above is more than a year old.

Thank you.

That sounds like there are non-recognized keys in the permissions of the manifest.json. Make sure the permissions are supported here:

You can verify this by opening browser console with Ctrl + Shift + J and you can see warnings that say something like “unrecognized key in permissions”.

For example this is what I see when trying “Signal Messenger”:

1476041036769 addons.webextension. ERROR Loading extension ‘null’: Reading manifest: Error processing permissions.2: Expected string instead of {“fileSystem”:[“write”]} Log.jsm:753

Invalid match pattern: ‘[object Object]’ MatchPattern.jsm:52

Thank you for the tips. Apparently, the problem is (as you said above) in the manifest. I set

"gecko": {
  "id": ""

gecko id doesn’t like to have + in there :(.


Very interesting I didnt know that! Thanks for sharing!