Can't download reviewed Firefox add-on

Received the message below from Mozilla AddOn editors with regards to our new version of our add on:

"Your add-on, iGive Button, has been reviewed and is now signed and ready for you to download at"

When I go to that link, I’m supposed to be able to download the reviewed and now signed add on. To try to do that, I clicked on the link which lets me manage the add on. At the top of the Manade Add On screen there is a link to the file (igive_button-

However, when I click that link I get a “404 Not Found” error.

It is an unlisted addon.

How do I get the signed add-on so we can distribute it from our web site?

I dont see your addon. Was it unlisted?

Correct. As I said, it is an unlisted addon. But I’m supposed to be able to download the signed version of it so we can distribute that from our web site.

Here is the URL to my manage add on page for this addon:

Check again. Sometimes the server can get a bit backed up. Make sure you’re logged into AMO when you do so. If it’s not there still let us know and I’ll grab an admin to look into it.

All good advice Jerod but also already done, several times, over several different days. Must be logged in or you get an error message telling you to login. Always get the 404 error when I click the file name to download the signed version.

An admin said they’d look into this tomorrow.

Thanks Jerod!!! That’s awesome!

The problem is that the version that was approved is the same of a previously-deleted version, and that causes some problems with our servers. The solution is to submit again, but with a higher version number. You can let me know when the new version is up and I’ll give it a quick review.

We’ve uploaded a new version. Can you please review it for me? Thanks!

Should be fixed now.

Hi, I have a similar problem. I uploaded my add-on with the unlisted option, it passed the tests and was signed. But when I try to dowload it from the link provided in the mail It leads to a 404 error. There is an xpi file available in the “addon manager” page but firefox does not seem to recognize that it has been signed when i try to install it from somwhere else than that page (open in a new tab or on my sever). I have tried uploading a new version but, unfortunately, it didn’t work for me. I could really use your help here.
Thanks in advance.

You need to be logged in to download the signed file.

Thanks for your quick answer. Once i get the signed file it seems that I can’t distribute it on my own. If the file come from somewhere else than my addon’s page on, Firefox prevents me from installing it. What can be the reason?

What’s the error that you see?

I got a little popup on the top left corner with the following message: “Firefox prevented this site from asking you to install software on your computer”

I see the URL bar pointing to Are you redirecting users from your website to the AMO download URL?

If you’re self-distributing, it’s best that you host the file on your own domain. Otherwise you might run into some security barriers relating to same-domain policies.

Actually i just used this url to show you the error message, but i also tried hosting the xpi on my own and the problem remain the same.

Can you create a page on your domain that demonstrates this problem? I’d like to have a test case before filing a bug.

I created a page, as you required, with a download link on it. Surprisingly, it worked. I can install the extension. Though when I copy the link location (right click->Copy Link Location) and paste it directly to the address bar it does not work. So i don’t understand what could be the problem.

Pasting the URL in the location bar won’t work because the download is attempted using the domain that is currently open in that tab, so it would only work if you happen to have a page in the same domain already opened. This is due to some security tightening that was implemented recently.