Anyone else has FF 52 issues?

My add-on stopped working with FF 52, even the web-extension version I had almost finished stopped working. Does anyone else have issues with FF 52?
All errors seem to happen within FF code, with no trace to my code.

Old Version:

one problem on the web-extension seems to be, that FF52 finally implemented, but it seems to be broken:
(I checked if exists to use it whenever mozilla finally implements it), function (map) { }); // map == undefined

but using still leaves the add-on broken with no errors shown.

On the normal version I get an error "Error: Creating URI from string failed"
With stacktrace only in these files:

Yes, our addon isn’t working either, despite being listed as working “with Firefox 45.0 and later”.

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I hear some people are having problems because of the major introductions like async/await.

I wonder if the “your addons were automatically checked and verified” happend for the Firefox 52 channel.

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I hear some people are having problems because of the major introductions like async/await.

Well, I just had another look of the problem I had with this (otherwise great!) feature.

Turns out, Firefox now doesn’t like const { async, } = { }; whereas const async = { }.async; is still perfectly Ok. (Chrome accepts booth.)

But since the only thing I did with that async variable was stuff like

async(function*() {
	const value = (yield somePromise);
	return value + 42;

I simply used proper async functions and didn’t investigate any further.

I guess this could be worth a bug report. On the other hand it’s a little to late for that …


Nice find, tho I don’t use destructuring assignment. Neither in my old sdk version nor in my web-extension version.

I think it’s implemented, but off by default, so to make it work the user would need to go to about:config and change a setting. For my add-on, I work around this by just assuming doesn’t exist on Firefox.

This should be a pretty future-proove test:

if (! || (await'some_key').then(() => false, () => true))) {
 	// storage.sync is unavailable or broken, use storage.local instead =; // TODO: move data once .sync is available
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