A-frame Bug Fixing Contest

Hello Mozilla India!
We are inviting all the new developers as well as everyone else interested in contributing, to take part in the A-Frame bug fixing contest. A quick description for those who don’t know, A-Frame is an open-source web framework for building virtual reality experiences for the web[1]. Your tasks will involve checking the open good-first-bugs in the A-Frame framework[2] as well as the A-Frame official website[3]. Bonus points for fixing advanced bugs! [4] :wink:

Steps to get started:

  • Visit the links [2] and [3] and comment “I want to work on this” on the issue you decide to work upon.

  • Ask for help if you need. You will get enough help from the A-Frame team as well as the WebVR-India team.

    • Fork the repository on GitHub.

    • Run npm install and npm run dev to serve the test examples.

    • Make changes to your fork of the repository.

    • If necessary, write unit tests and run with npm test.

    • Submit a pull request to the master branch.

    • Address review comments if any

  • Once you have fixed the issue, report it to the community as well, using the issue 33 under volunteer-contributions[5].

What’s in it for you?

  • Contributors who resolve the maximum number of bugs (Top 5), will get a Sony Xperia Z3C to hack and explore!

  • Amongst the remaining ones, the contributors who have fixed a minimum of three bugs will get a special T-shirt from WebVR India!

And this doesn’t just end here! While fixing these bugs you will get more familiar with the codebase of A-frame, which will enhance your skills as well as be a great help for the exciting open-source project. As you continue, you will be able to fix a lot more bugs for A-Frame as well as develop for awesome features for the framework. And eventually you become a ‘WebVR Hack Star‘, who can guide others to become like them!
So what are you waiting for, jump on the links right away and get started!
[1] https://aframe.io
[2] https://github.com/aframevr/aframe/labels/help%20wanted%20(easy)
[3] https://github.com/aframevr/aframe-site/labels/help%20wanted%20(easy)
[4] https://github.com/aframevr/aframe/labels/help%20wanted%20(hard)
[5] https://github.com/webvr-india/volunteer-contributions/issues/33

For any queries whatsoever, contact @shaguftamethwani or @mdsbzalam on Telegram

Nice. I would like to know who are participating in this contest.

Looking forward to make some positive impact :smiley:

Hello Everyone, as participants are still working on bugs and due to community demand we are extending the contest deadline.

New Deadline: 31st July 2017

Here are the updates regarding this contest:

  1. Please submit your work on this issue https://github.com/webvr-india/volunteer-contributions/issues/33
  2. We need a volunteer who can design T-shirt for this campaign.
  3. Participants can also file issues on their own and solve them if you don’t want to solve the ones that are already listed.